M&M Fruits…
M&M fruits was founded in 2001 as a family company whose activity was wholesale and retail of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Today, M&M Fruits has its own production plant for the production of packaging for fresh produce. With the development of the market, the way of packaging begins to develop, which becomes a key component in the sale of products.
Therefore, in 2005, M&M Fruits switched from the fresh fruit and vegetable trade to the production and distribution of fresh packaging.

Year 2005.
Start of production of plastic packaging for packing fresh fruit.
Year 2010.
We are increasing the range with products from the representation of large European contractors.
Year 2018.
We get a big resignation when we enter into cooperation with Lidl Serbia.
Year 2019.
We are improving our production and introducing a new production program.
Year 2020.
Once again, we show our commitment to trends and product design because we implement the requirements of ISO9001: 2009 and HACCP standards.

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